Year-Round Lawn Care Services For Portland Oregon

Serving Families Throughout Portland & the Pacific Northwest

General Tree Service has developed a series of treatments to give you a lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood.  With our year-round lawn care services, your lawn will achieve a deep green color without a huge flush of growth.

With our Lawn care program, you can relax

One lawn care specialists will visit every 6-8 weeks to treat your lawn with one of our special blends of premium fertilizer.  Our program includes the following treatments:

  • Moss control in early spring
  • Broadleaf weed control during growing season
  • Lime application in late fall
  • European Crane Fly treatment as needed
  • Spring and fall aeration


Aeration is the process of removing small plugs of thatch/soil from your lawn to make it healthier and reduce maintenance requirements.  Spring and Fall are ideal times for aeration, which is one of the best things you can do for your lawn.

Benefits of aerating your lawn

  • Improved soil water uptake
  • Lessens water runoff and puddling
  • Stronger turf grass roots
  • Reduced soil compaction
  • Enhanced thatch breakdown


The acid content of soil has a dramatic effect in the availability of plant nutrients.  High acid soils have a low pH and won’t release nitrogen easily.  Liming neutralizes the acids, which then releases nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and results in a greener lawn.

Acids naturally build up in the soil due to fallen leaves/needles, air pollution and plant respiration (gasses) so a yearly limestone treatment is usually recommended.  Lime also helps reduce the amount of moss in your lawn, which is a problem for many homeowners in the Pacific Northwest.


Moss does not kill your lawn. In fact, it only grows where there is room for it so if you keep your lawn thick and healthy by watering it properly and mowing correctly, you shouldn’t have much of a problem.

The following is a list of factors conducive to moss growth so if your lawn has areas with these conditions you may tend to have an annual problem.

  • Poorly drained
  • Reduced air circulation
  • Heavily shaded
  • Conditions not suitable for healthy growth

If you consistently have a moss problem, you might think about enhancing site conditions in problem areas, such as increasing the amount of sunlight the grass gets by pruning shade trees or improving drainage.

After treatment, the moss will turn a brownish-black color.  If you only have a light accumulation of moss, nothing further needs to be done.  However, areas with a dense carpet of moss will need to be de-thatched (to remove the dead moss) and reseeded with the appropriate grass seed.

General Tree technicians can provide all these services as part of our lawn care and will select the right grass seed for your lawn.


Many lawns in the Portland area have been damaged by the European Crane Fly.  Damage occurs in the spring when the crane fly larvae eat the grass blade right down to the crown.  Done mostly at night, it appears as if the grass is just melting away, thereby exposing bare mud.

If you subscribe to our full 6-visit lawn care program, we’ll treat for crane fly (if detected) at no charge when we come for your first annual visit.  Sometimes this pest can cause significant damage earlier than your first scheduled visit.

If that’s the case, we can arrange a special application in January or February to treat for this pest before it has a chance to damage your lawn.  The cost of this extra visit is the same as a regular turf application price.

If you want a great looking lawn without all the stress and work, contact us to hear more about our year-round lawn care services.

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